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My Political mission is to see that we build Nigeria into a genuinely united and prosperous nation where peace, justice, equity and righteousness reign.

I am a social democrat with conservative values. I am ready to serve my people.

Corruption has had a great toll on our economy, our infrastructures, our people and our institutions. The economic and social costs of corruption in the public and private sectors of Nigeria since attaining political independence in 1960 is possibly well over US$2Trillion!! It is a monstrous cancer that continues to erode our nation, our psyche and our potentials. It is blight on our nation and a threat to the future of our children and generations yet unborn.

By God’s Grace, I shall and will constantly be a Champion of Zero-Tolerance for Corruption.

Nigeria’s anti-corruption laws are too weak and mild. Today, a pick-pocket who manages to steal a few Naira and gets caught would go to jail for a very long time if successfully prosecuted while someone who steals billions of Naira, even if convicted, may not stay in jail for more than six months.

I will initiate legislation to amend our laws to give teeth to the agencies which are supposed to fight corruption. Our laws are not strict enough to ensure that sentences are stiff for fraudsters and looters even when conviction is eventually achieved.

I will also initiate legislation on Assets Forfeiture which places the onus on an accused person to prove that he/she rightfully earned the income with which he/she acquired properties which appear to be beyond his/her legitimate resources. If a public official cannot account for how he/she earned enough money to own companies, shares in quoted companies, a fleet of cars and other assets, such properties should be forfeited to the Federal Government by a Court Order at the instance of ANY NIGERIAN INDIVIDUAL OR AGENCY after due investigation mandated by the court.

I will also propose legislation on Whistle-Blower Protection that would ensure that when an Asset Forfeiture case is initiated and successfully prosecuted at the instance of an individual, such a person would be placed in a protection programme by the Federal Government to ensure that he/she and his/her family are not exposed to any negative repercussions whether physically, economically or psychologically.
Education is the foundation for a great future. Education is empowerment to succeed in an ever-increasingly challenging world. Education should not be a privilege but a priority, I will sponsor a bill in the Senate for the reform I will initiate an amendment of the Nigerian Constitution to make funding for education a first-line charge on the nation’s consolidated accounts and to ensure that it represents at least 20% of the Budget of the Federal Government.

I am convinced that Nigeria has the financial resources to meet the additional costs this new education policy would entail. The problem is not the dearth of funds; the problem is LACK OF POLITICAL WILL TO MAKE QUALITY EDUCATION ACCESSIBLE TO ALL NIGERIANS, THE MONSTER OF CORRUPTION and GROSS SYSTEMIC INEFFICIENCIES which create leakages such that the billions of Naira voted annually for education by all levels of government never actually get used for the budgeted purpose. We can and we must secure the future of our youths by guaranteeing them first class education that would make them world-beaters!

India has become the place to go for all types of surgeries, organ transplants, treatment of various cancers and other diseases which had defied solution in our numerous University Teaching Hospitals and other “tertiary” medical institutions. And India is a developing country.
In summary, Nigeria is presently one of the worst places to be born and to live in the world. Our infants are dying needlessly; our young mothers are dying too.

Consequently, it is essential that there be synergy between our National Health Policy and our National Water Policy. The provision of safe drinking water nation-wide must be a critical element of our health care strategy.

Nigeria must improve funding for health care and ensure that we not only retain our medical professionals but attract those in the Diaspora who left the country in search of greener pastures.

I advocate and push legislation to ensure that at least 15% of the Annual Budget of the Federal Government is devoted to the health sector. The increased funding that shall become available shall be used in improving facilities at public hospitals and to enhance the remuneration of our medical personnel so as to ensure parity with their peers who have similar qualifications and experience in western countries. I shall also promote the provision of safe drinking water nation-wide as an imperative for the good health of our peoples.

Like India is today, Nigeria can become the preferred destination for medical tourism within the next ten years if we commit ourselves to build and maintain world class hospitals and bring back our numerous medical professionals who are the leading lights in many health-care facilities in Europe and North America.

We can do it.

Nigeria has suffered the paradox of economic growth without development for many years. Many economists often lament what they have come to describe as our “job-less growth”. While all macro-economic indices point to an economy which is truly growing and there is noticeable improvement in our public infrastructure, especially power and roads, unemployment still remains a challenge. With our huge population comprising mainly youths, this is worrisome and a great threat to our posterity. Nigeria needs to achieve a quick-win solution that ensures that most of our employable citizens are gainfully engaged. We must harness the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial acumen of our people in our battle against unemployment. We must empower our entrepreneurs to be in the position to create jobs on a large scale.

Nigeria’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are faced with many challenges which have stunted their growth and development. Some of these challenges are poor infrastructural facilities, inadequate funding and lack of access to capital, weak managerial and entrepreneurial skills, limited demand for their products and services, and competition from foreign products. Among these challenges, the most restricting is the inadequacy of funds and lack of access to capital. Indeed, most of the other problems could easily be resolved with sufficient finance. Our financial institutions typically wait for entrepreneurs to become successful before they take any serious interest in their businesses. However creative and innovative they are, these entrepreneurs often cannot meet the strict credit risk acceptance criteria of banks.

The solution is really simple: Venture Capital; which I like to call patient equity funding.

I will initiate legislation for the establishment of a Venture Capital Corporation which will be a vehicle for the empowerment of indigenous entrepreneurs to be the drivers of employment creation in our economy as is the case in fast-growing economies such as China and Israel.
The focus of my Senatorial Constituency Projects shall be: Economic Development; and Human Development.

Having been a business entrepreneur myself and having been a resource person in several training programs for entrepreneurs, as a matter of priority, I shall establish a world-class academy for the training and development of young entrepreneurs. It shall be a Centre of excellence which others would want to emulate.

This is the beginning a New Righteous Order in Nigeria’s Polity. With humility, and by God’s Grace, I arise to build a nation which shall become the Pride of Africa. A new vista has opened and our posterity can be different. We can bequeath a great destiny to our children. We can ensure that it will be well for Ogun East in particular and Nigeria in general.

God bless you.
God bless Ogun East
God bless Ogun State
God bless Green Party of Nigeria
God bless Nigeria.

Yours faithfully,
Armstrong ‘Tope Akintunde (mnim,fipma)


My Political mission is to see that we build Nigeria into a genuinely united and prosperous nation where peace, justice, equity and righteousness reign.

I am a social democrat with conservative values. I am ready to serve my people.

Corruption has had a great toll on our economy, our infrastructures, our people and our institutions. The economic and social costs of corruption in the public and private sectors of Nigeria since attaining political independence in 1960 is possibly well over US$2Trillion!! It is a monstrous cancer that continues to erode our nation, our psyche and our potentials. It is blight on our nation and a threat to the future of our children and generations yet unborn.

By God’s Grace, I shall and will constantly be a Champion of Zero-Tolerance for Corruption.

Nigeria’s anti-corruption laws are too weak and mild. Today, a pick-pocket who manages to steal a few Naira and gets caught would go to jail for a very long time if successfully prosecuted while someone who steals billions of Naira, even if convicted, may not stay in jail for more than six months.

I will initiate legislation to amend our laws to give teeth to the agencies which are supposed to fight corruption. Our laws are not strict enough to ensure that sentences are stiff for fraudsters and looters even when conviction is eventually achieved.

I will also initiate legislation on Assets Forfeiture which places the onus on an accused person to prove that he/she rightfully earned the income with which he/she acquired properties which appear to be beyond his/her legitimate resources. If a public official cannot account for how he/she earned enough money to own companies, shares in quoted companies, a fleet of cars and other assets, such properties should be forfeited to the Federal Government by a Court Order at the instance of ANY NIGERIAN INDIVIDUAL OR AGENCY after due investigation mandated by the court.

I will also propose legislation on Whistle-Blower Protection that would ensure that when an Asset Forfeiture case is initiated and successfully prosecuted at the instance of an individual, such a person would be placed in a protection programme by the Federal Government to ensure that he/she and his/her family are not exposed to any negative repercussions whether physically, economically or psychologically.
Education is the foundation for a great future. Education is empowerment to succeed in an ever-increasingly challenging world. Education should not be a privilege but a priority, I will sponsor a bill in the Senate for the reform I will initiate an amendment of the Nigerian Constitution to make funding for education a first-line charge on the nation’s consolidated accounts and to ensure that it represents at least 20% of the Budget of the Federal Government.

I am convinced that Nigeria has the financial resources to meet the additional costs this new education policy would entail. The problem is not the dearth of funds; the problem is LACK OF POLITICAL WILL TO MAKE QUALITY EDUCATION ACCESSIBLE TO ALL NIGERIANS, THE MONSTER OF CORRUPTION and GROSS SYSTEMIC INEFFICIENCIES which create leakages such that the billions of Naira voted annually for education by all levels of government never actually get used for the budgeted purpose. We can and we must secure the future of our youths by guaranteeing them first class education that would make them world-beaters!

India has become the place to go for all types of surgeries, organ transplants, treatment of various cancers and other diseases which had defied solution in our numerous University Teaching Hospitals and other “tertiary” medical institutions. And India is a developing country.
In summary, Nigeria is presently one of the worst places to be born and to live in the world. Our infants are dying needlessly; our young mothers are dying too.

Consequently, it is essential that there be synergy between our National Health Policy and our National Water Policy. The provision of safe drinking water nation-wide must be a critical element of our health care strategy.

Nigeria must improve funding for health care and ensure that we not only retain our medical professionals but attract those in the Diaspora who left the country in search of greener pastures.

I advocate and push legislation to ensure that at least 15% of the Annual Budget of the Federal Government is devoted to the health sector. The increased funding that shall become available shall be used in improving facilities at public hospitals and to enhance the remuneration of our medical personnel so as to ensure parity with their peers who have similar qualifications and experience in western countries. I shall also promote the provision of safe drinking water nation-wide as an imperative for the good health of our peoples.

Like India is today, Nigeria can become the preferred destination for medical tourism within the next ten years if we commit ourselves to build and maintain world class hospitals and bring back our numerous medical professionals who are the leading lights in many health-care facilities in Europe and North America.

We can do it.

Nigeria has suffered the paradox of economic growth without development for many years. Many economists often lament what they have come to describe as our “job-less growth”. While all macro-economic indices point to an economy which is truly growing and there is noticeable improvement in our public infrastructure, especially power and roads, unemployment still remains a challenge. With our huge population comprising mainly youths, this is worrisome and a great threat to our posterity. Nigeria needs to achieve a quick-win solution that ensures that most of our employable citizens are gainfully engaged. We must harness the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial acumen of our people in our battle against unemployment. We must empower our entrepreneurs to be in the position to create jobs on a large scale.

Nigeria’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are faced with many challenges which have stunted their growth and development. Some of these challenges are poor infrastructural facilities, inadequate funding and lack of access to capital, weak managerial and entrepreneurial skills, limited demand for their products and services, and competition from foreign products. Among these challenges, the most restricting is the inadequacy of funds and lack of access to capital. Indeed, most of the other problems could easily be resolved with sufficient finance. Our financial institutions typically wait for entrepreneurs to become successful before they take any serious interest in their businesses. However creative and innovative they are, these entrepreneurs often cannot meet the strict credit risk acceptance criteria of banks.

The solution is really simple: Venture Capital; which I like to call patient equity funding.

I will initiate legislation for the establishment of a Venture Capital Corporation which will be a vehicle for the empowerment of indigenous entrepreneurs to be the drivers of employment creation in our economy as is the case in fast-growing economies such as China and Israel.
The focus of my Senatorial Constituency Projects shall be: Economic Development; and Human Development.

Having been a business entrepreneur myself and having been a resource person in several training programs for entrepreneurs, as a matter of priority, I shall establish a world-class academy for the training and development of young entrepreneurs. It shall be a Centre of excellence which others would want to emulate.

This is the beginning a New Righteous Order in Nigeria’s Polity. With humility, and by God’s Grace, I arise to build a nation which shall become the Pride of Africa. A new vista has opened and our posterity can be different. We can bequeath a great destiny to our children. We can ensure that it will be well for Ogun East in particular and Nigeria in general.

God bless you.
God bless Ogun East
God bless Ogun State
God bless Green Party of Nigeria
God bless Nigeria.

Yours faithfully,
Armstrong ‘Tope Akintunde (mnim,fipma)

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